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Corning to invest in manufacturing facility for automotive glass solutions

  • Released Date:2018-07-18
  • Valid until:Standing
  • View Time284
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Corning will invest in its third manufacturing site in China for its Automotive Glass Solutions business.

Corning will deliver technical glass solutions for in-vehicle infotainment systems
Corning Incorporated has announced that, with the support of the Hefei government, it will invest in an existing production facility in the Hefei Xinzhan Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone in the Anhui Province, China, for its Automotive Glass Solutions business.
This facility, which Corning expects to be fully operational in 2019, will produce Corning Gorilla Glass for Automotive Interiors, a durable and optically advantaged cover glass solution specially designed for automotive interior applications. Retrofitting an existing facility will help Corning bring on new capacity quickly and efficiently in advancing the growth of its automotive glass solutions business.
"Corning is excited to be delivering technical glass solutions that address and accelerate the adoption of more dynamic and visually appealing in-vehicle infotainment systems. Our cover-glass innovations deliver advantaged performance and economics versus commodity materials and are driving significant pull for our products," said Michael Kunigonis, vice president and general manager, Corning Automotive Glass Solutions. "Corning's investment will deliver the capability, quality and capacity the auto industry needs to drive innovation and supply drivers with the connectivity and user experience they desire."
Corning's decades-long leadership in the display, mobile consumer electronics, and automotive markets positions the company to deliver advanced technical glass solutions and an extensive partner ecosystem to its...
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