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Friends of Glass and NMA to inspire ‘ocean-friendly’ packaging

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A recently set-up partnership between Friends of Glass and the National Marine Aquarium in the UK will promote recyclable glass packaging for food, drink and toiletries.

Friends of Glass has announced a new partnership with the National Marine Aquarium
Friends of Glass has announced a new partnership with the National Marine Aquarium (NMA) to promote recyclable glass packaging for food, drink and toiletries.
The partnership will seek to highlight how everyday choices are an important way of protecting the health of our oceans and marine life.
The Plymouth-based National Marine Aquarium, which attracts around 300,000 visitors every year including 30,000 school students, was the first aquarium in the UK to be run as a separate charity dedicated to the education and conservation of the marine environment.
Over the last 20 years, the NMA has been instrumental in connecting people with our Oceans and promoting pro-ocean behaviour.
The NMA has launched a national education outreach programme with the first hubs in Cardiff and Newcastle, with a target of reaching one million school children and young families in a year, within the next 10years. Friends of Glass will be donating funds to the NMA’s innovative schools programme that will be educating students about the impact of packaging materials on our oceans.
Friends of Glass will also be supporting a new NMA initiative launched this summer, which celebrates iconic marine creatures and how the food and drink packaging we choose can help them now and in the future.
Victoria Adams, senior communications officer, British Glass, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with the NMA on these programmes. Supporting greater understanding and knowledge about how we can protect ou...
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