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Verallia Design Awards: French and Spanish finals

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The winners of the Verallia French and Spanish design competitions have been announced: six from France and three from Spain.

In 2018, the Verallia Design Awards are organized in five countries
Since 2009, different Verallia subsidiaries have organized an annual design competition. In 2018, the Verallia Design Awards are organized in five countries: Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Ukraine. Students and young art or design school graduates imagine, from a defined theme, an innovative type of glass packaging. The entrants receive support from Verallia’s teams to familiarize themselves with the glass material and its demanding industrial requirements.
“Se mettre au verre” ("Green goes glass"), the theme of the 9th French edition of the design competition, invited students to imagine a glass container illustrating the material’s ecological virtues, while highlighting good quality, natural and organic contents.
More than 373 projects were submitted by 717 registered entrants coming from 136 schools. Among the 65 shortlisted projects, the panel of judges, including specialists from Verallia, customers, the edition’s sponsor – Guillaume Delvigne, designers, journalists and trend studios, recognized six winners:
• Beer, water and soft drinks”: Grume, by Théo Kasperowicz – ESAD Saint-Étienne
• Food: Olivier, by Eva Laura Azpurua & Aurélia de Chevigny – École Bleue
• Spirits: Tuteur, by Alexandre Pelletier – ESAD Reims
• Wines: Arcadia, by Clara Chanteloup & Maxence de Cock – Nantes Atlantique Design School
• Sponsor’s choice: En vrac !, by Alice Doudard & Xiaoyue Zhao – École Bleue
• Special champagne décor: Louis Breuilly, Sarah Bentahrou...
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