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Kuraray, GC, and Sumitomo Corporation Holds Opening Ceremony for a joint venture company in Thailand

Enlarge Font  Decrease Font Released Date:2018-07-20   From:   View Time:561
Opening Ceremony (from left: Supattanapong Punmeechaow (President & CEO, GC); Masaaki Ito (President, Kuraray); Masahiro Fujita (Representative Director, Executive Vice President, Sumitomo))
Opening Ceremony (from left: Supattanapong Punmeechaow (President & CEO, GC); Masaaki Ito (President, Kuraray); Masahiro Fujita (Representative Director, Executive Vice President, Sumitomo)) | Photo:
Kuraray Co., Ltd., PTT Global Chemical Public Company Ltd. and Sumitomo Corporation on July 11, 2018, held an opening ceremony for a joint venture company, Kuraray GC Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. in Thailand.

Kuraray Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masaaki Ito, "Kuraray"), PTT Global Chemical Public Company Ltd.(Head office: Bangkok, Thailand; President & CEO: Supattanapong Punmeechaow, "GC") and Sumitomo Corporation (Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President & Chief Executive Officer: Masayuki Hyodo, "Sumitomo"), on July 11, 2018, held an opening ceremony for a joint venture company, Kuraray GC Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. ("Kuraray GC Advanced Materials") in Thailand.

The opening ceremony was attended by executives from the Kuraray Group, GC Group, and Sumitomo Group. It took place at the Energy Complex, Bangkok, in Thailand, on July 11, 2018.

Executives from the Kuraray Group, GC Group,and Sumitomo Group
Executives from the Kuraray Group, GC Group,and Sumitomo Group

At the ceremony, attendees expressed their high expectations for this project in Thailand. Kuraray's President Ito remarked, "It is our pleasure to operate the company with GC which is a diversified and wide-range petrochemical businesses, including manufacturing and distribution of upstream, intermediate, and downstream petrochemical products and Sumitomo which is a Global Trading Company and has strong business ground in Thailand and Southeast Asia."

GC's President Supattanapong commented, "It has been a very long journey to achieve this joint venture. Over the past three years, our three companies have been harmonizing together and put tremendous effort into making this project happen." and Sumitomo's Representative Director, Executive Vice President Fujita said, "We at Sumitomo Corporation intend to offer our full support, together with Kuraray and GC to ensure the success of this Joint Venture Company."

With Hemaraj Eastern Industrial Estate (Map Ta Phut Complex), Rayong in Thailand, as the candidate of the production site, the Company-Kuraray GC Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.-is scheduled to manufacture and sell High Heat Resistant Polyamide-9T (PA9T) and Hydrogenated Styrenic Block Copolymers (HSBC).

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