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Industry Situation Symposium Memo of Mainly Supervised Flat Glass Enterprises

  • Released Date:2011-08-31
  • Valid until:Standing
  • View Time647
  • Details
Industry Situation Symposium of Mainly Supervised Flat Glass Enterprises was held by China Building Material Federation and China Architectural and Industrial Glass Association in Beijing on Aug.5th attended by representatives from 18 main flat glass enterprises. What is more, Longde Qiao, president, Xiangyuan Sun, executive vice president, Yongmo Xu, Guoqing Chen and Tieshi Sun, vice presidents from China Building Material Federation and Jingtao Zhang, vice president and Baiheng Zhang, secretary from China Architectural and Industrial Glass Association attended this conference. Longde Qiao made an important speech to confirm the flat glass industry achievements in the recent years, analyze the existing problems and reasons, point out the approaches and responding strategies seeking both the temporary and permanent solutions to the problems and getting flat glass industry on the track of technological improvements and structure optimization.
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