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Report on “Safety Production Codes of Glass Processing” Industry Standard Review Meeting

  • Released Date:2013-07-10
  • Valid until:Standing
  • View Time1315
  • Details
On 14th june 2013, the national construction standardization technical committee organized and held “Safety Production Codes of Glass Processing” building materials industry standard review meeting in xi’ning city , qinghai province.
Industry Standard on “Safety Production Codes of Glass Processing
 Review Meeting Report
The members attending this meeting were: the deputy director of the economic commission of qinghai province, ministry of industry and information department inspector of the raw materials lv guiduan, vice president and secretary general of China Architectural and Industrial Glass Association zhang baiheng, deputy secretary-general ofglass association Li hui, deputy secretary-general of the national standardization technical committee Huang Jianbin and more than 30 experts from architectural glass and glass deep processing of domestic production enterprises, scientific researches and inspection units. 
  This meeting was held by Huang Jianbin, the deputy secretary general of the national construction standardization technical committee. At the beginning, Lv Guixin, deputy director, standing for Economic Committee of Qinghai province, expressed warm welcome to the experts and introduced special resources of qinghai. He hoped that they could bring good programs to qinghai to support qinghai construction. The experts also made a positive responses accordingly. As for the concrete issues, it would be discussed with the local relevant departments after the meeting .
 Zhang Baiheng, the deputy president, on behalf of the glass committee, delivered an important speech. He pointed out: compared with 2012, the situation of float glass in 2013 had changed a lot, but was inferior to 2011. The processing glass also needed structural adjustment. Although there was no oversupply situation, it had polarised. The companies with high degree of brand, good quality and service had increase in output and profit. By comparision, the medium manufacturers appeared the phenomenon of insufficient working rate, poor profit. This situation was expected to be more apparent in a fear years. From the purchase of equipment procurement and the equipment manufacturer on this year's exhibition, it could be reflected.

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