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Report on 2013 the third Symposia about parts of the Quartz Glass Processing Enterprises

  • Released Date:2013-07-12
  • Valid until:Standing
  • View Time6465
  • Details
On 29th may 2013, sponsored by Quartz Glass Professional Board of China Architectural and Industrial Glass Association, co-sponsored by Shanghai Qang Hua Quartz Co.,Ltd, the third symposia about parts of the quartz glass processing enterprises was held successfully at Ashford castle hotel in Shanghai provinces.
On 29th may 2013, sponsored by Quartz Glass Professional Board of China Architectural and Industrial Glass Association, co-sponsored by Shanghai Qang Hua Quartz Co.,Ltd, the third symposia about parts of the quartz glass processing enterprises was held successfully at Ashford castle hotel in Shanghai provinces. The representatives from fifteen domestic quartz glass processing enterprises, like Jiangsu Pacific quartz co., LTD, Beijing king gran quartz co., LTD, Jiu Zhiguang Electronic Material co., LTD, Hangzhou Da He and Heraeus, took part in this meeting.
This meeting was held by Yang Jiamao, the secretariat director of Quartz Glass Professional Board of China Architectural and Industrial Glass Association. Firstly, he introduced some on-going and being prepared works to professional committee: 1. Statistics works for recent years. Due to everyone's support, by adhering to the monthly statistics and quarterly summary, the effect was distinct, which provided information feedback to companies in time; 2. By strengthening standard formulation, standards coordination meeting was organized. 3. In terms of semiconductor devices, by making several standards, the level of the enterprise production technology was enhanced. 4. In the respect of the focus on quartz materials import and export tax rebates, it was communicated actively with related national departments.
Apart from brief introduction to current situations of enterprises, it mainly focused on: “how to improve quartz processing technical innovation, inhence the company competitivity, avoid the cutthroat competition between quartz processing industry”. According to the current tough market conditions, it was compeletely wrony for companies to take the measures of deposit at a low price, what they needed do is to adapt to the present environment and keep the normal state.The market was rivals, but friends at the same time. What matters was to strengthen communication and cultivate good markets. What we should understand and realize was that semiconductor was a global market. Besides, continuous innovation of high-end products and participation in international competition was needed. In addition, the delegates realized quartz industry was big input and low output, and it was a high and new technology industry. No matter how to deal with the current development situation, it must promote industry development healthyly and orderly.
Through the symposia,it drawed a lot of common ideas and thoughts. As to the enterprises, passive market was inevitable. The key was to strengthen the management, improve the technology and develop new products. The timely and efficient meeting, not only defined the development direction of quartz glass processing industry, but also promoted the mutral understanding among companies. It was a successful meeting, receiving a favorable reception of delegates.
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