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On may 23,2013, China Building Materials Company organized and held the fifth market seminar about t

  • Released Date:2013-07-25
  • Valid until:Standing
  • View Time1401
  • Details
On may 23,2013, China Building Materials Company organized and held the fifth market seminar about the glass industries. Sixteen float glass manufacturering enterprises from the east China attended the meeting. Zhang Hengji, vice president and secretary general from China Architectural Glass and Industrial Glass was invited to be present at the meeting.
 On may 23,2013, China Building Materials Company organized and held the fifth market seminar about the glass industries. Sixteen float glass manufacturering enterprises from the east China attended the meeting. Zhang Hengji, vice president and secretary general from China Architectural Glass and Industrial Glass was invited to be present at the meeting.
 The meeting reported the 2013 no.892 “the notice on firmly contain blind expandsion in industries with excess capacity”. The meeting also introduced the capacity and surplus situation of current total glass industry and put forward some targeted improvement measures; The organizer Anhui Fengyang Co LTD., of last meeting introduced the market dynamic and meeting resolution implement situation since the last meeting. Harun CO LTD., introduced the shanghai meeting. The representatives in turn illustrated each production, management, inventory and construction project schedule,etc. In addition, they had a research on the after-market situation and reached an agreement:  
1. Each enterprise should be confident, get hold of good opportunities in the present market, gradully walk out the weak period of market, reverse deficit and increase profits.
2. Each enterprise should properly control capacity, adjust the product structure and jointly maintain the nice trend of present market.
3. Each enterprise should enhance communication, coordination, and mutrual trust, instead of malicious competition. Besides, the companies need to jointly maintain the market order and make contribution to the healty development of glass industry.
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